Gap Analyses for Cognitive Web Accessibility (W3C Task Force)

The members of the W3C‘s Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force have been working since January to develop a set of gap analyses. A gap analysis, as we have defined it, identifies the gap between where the state of accessibility for people with cognitive disabilities is now when using the web, and where we want it to be.

The gap analyses are based upon common cognitive disabilities. The following list of the gap analyses includes their primary authors (as of July, 2014).

The task force has completed the first drafts. We are now working on integrating the information in the gap analyses into a single document. A large part of this work is to define cognitive web accessibility from a functional standpoint. We plan to combine information, such as challenges and techniques, that is common across the gap analyses, and retain information that is unique to a particular disability.

Note: The referenced gap analyses should not be quoted. They are works in progress. They do not necessarily represent consensus. They may have incorrect information; or information not supported by other task-force members, the WAI, or the W3C. They also may have some very-useful information. (This disclaimer paraphrases the one at the tops of the gap analyses.)

3 thoughts on “Gap Analyses for Cognitive Web Accessibility (W3C Task Force)

  1. I’m wondering why there is not a category for diminished cognitive & memory functions? The closest category listed is Aging & Dimentia. Diminished cognition & memory are key components and secondary challenges of many neurological disorders today. It would cover hydrocephalus, which I live with, and a spectrum of neurological disorders that involve impaired cognition (i.e. MS, Parkinsons Dis), as well as persons post TBI, tumor, concussion syndrome, non specific learning disabilities, PTSD, and early onset of dimentias and other pathology. I earlier expressed an interest in this Task Force. But I do not work in accessibility. However, I would be happy to be an advisor.

  2. Thank you for your commentary.

    “Diminished cognition and memory” are functional characteristics across the various causes for cognitive disability. I assure you they are documented in our gap analyses.

    To join the task force, review the “Participation” section of the task force introduction & description page at

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